Natus ErgoJust LTM and ErgoJust ICU Cart Information For Use
July 6, 2020
Cleaning instructions
Natus ErgoJust LTM
and ErgoJust ICU cart
Clean with a commercial wipe such as CaviWipesTM or Sani-Cloth® to remove visible soil.
Wipe the article using a lint-free cloth and air dry.
Turn OFF system power before cleaning. Prevent detergent solution or cold
disinfecting agents from seeping into the electronics of the instrument. Be especially careful
around controls, connectors and edge panels. Do not use abrasive cleaners.
Preventive maintenance
Electrical safety testing is recommended. It is recommended a schedule be established for these
purposes, with at least an annual cleaning and safety testing. This system does not require
calibration unless otherwise stated.
Preventative maintenance does not require access to the interior of the instrument and may be
performed by the user. For this cart, preventative maintenance consists of periodically cleaning and
inspecting the exterior of the instrument.
It is recommended that all repairs be performed by a qualified Natus Neurology Incorporated
service representative only. You have the sole responsibility for any malfunctions resulting from
improper maintenance or repair by anyone other than an authorized Natus Neurology Incorporated
If the system is not functioning properly, do not operate it until all necessary repairs are made and
unit is tested for proper functioning in accordance with Natus Neurology Incorporated published
specifications. It is recommended that all repairs be performed by a qualified service representative
Switch off all power to the system before attempting any service, maintenance, or preventive
If the system or any component is repaired, it is recommended that all system functionality be
checked and an electrical safety test be performed prior to resuming use.