Recharging from the Nature’s Generator Powerhouse Wind Turbine (sold separately):
1. Place your Nature's Generator Powerhouse Wind Turbine where it will get sufficient wind.
2. Follow the manual of Nature’s Generator Powerhouse Wind Turbine to set up the wind turbine.
3. Insert the wind turbine cable connector into Wind Input port on the front of your Nature's
Generator Powerhouse Lithium Power Pod. You will know it is recharging when the ba�ery level
LEDs are running, The LEDs do not run when the ba�ery is full or there is not enough power
input from Nature's Generator Powerhouse Wind Turbine to handle the power output. The
ba�ery is in the discharging mode although there is some charging (charging is less than
discharging). The recharging speed depends on the strength of the wind.
4. To increase the recharging speed, connect another Nature’s Generator Powerhouse Wind Turbine
by the dual charger controller. The Wind Input port can handle up to 1000 wa�s of wind power.
Visit for more informa�on about Nature’s Generator Powerhouse Wind
Recharging from Nature's Generator Powerhouse
1. Connect Nature’s Generator Powerhouse Lithium Power Pod to Nature’s Generator Powerhouse
by the expansion cable.
2. When Nature’s Generator Powerhouse is being recharged by solar, wind or wall, Nature’s Generator
Powerhouse Lithium Power Pod will be recharged at the same �me.
How to Maintain and Store Your Nature’s Generator Powerhouse Lithium Power Pod
Recharge your Nature's Generator Powerhouse Lithium Power Pod once every six months and store it
in a ven�lated, cool and dry loca�on. This keeps the ba�ery healthy and prolongs its life. Failure to
maintain Nature's Generator Powerhouse Lithium Power Pod by these steps can result in ba�ery
damage which will void the product warranty.
Clean your Nature's Generator Powerhouse Lithium Power Pod with a so�, lint-free cloth. If your
Nature's Generator Powerhouse Lithium Power Pod is very dirty, moisten a so�, lint-free cloth in
a weak detergent solu�on, squeeze the excess moisture from the cloth, then wipe Nature’s
Generator Powerhouse Lithium Power Pod with the cloth, followed by a clean dry cloth to wipe
down you Nature's Generator Powerhouse Lithium Power Pod.
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