4. Insert Power Panel Cable plug into Solar Input port on the front of your Nature's Generator
Powerhouse Lithium Power Pod. You will know it is recharging when the ba�ery level LEDs are
running, The LEDs do not run when the ba�ery is full or there is not enough power input from
Nature's Generator Powerhouse Power Panels to handle the power output. The ba�ery is in the
discharging mode although there is some charging (charging is less than discharging).
5. It usually takes about 8 to 15 hours to recharge the Nature's Generator Powerhouse Lithium Power
Pod if using two Nature’s Generator Powerhouse Power Panels. The recharging �me, of course,
also depends on the temperature and the strength of the sunlight.
6. To increase the recharging speed, you can connect the two serial connected Nature’s
Generator Powerhouse Power Panels in parallel connec�on. The Solar Input port can handle
up to 2000 wa�s of solar power. Visit Naturesgenerator.com for more informa�on about
Nature’s Generator Powerhouse Power Panels.
Nature's Generator
Powerhouse Power Panel
Nature's Generator
Powerhouse Branch Cables
Nature's Generator
Power Panel Cable
Nature's Generator
Powerhouse Lithium Power Pod
Nature's Generator
Powerhouse Power Panel
Nature's Generator
Powerhouse Power Panel
MC4 Connectors
Nature's Generator
Powerhouse Power Panel
MC4 Connectors
Visit Naturesgenerator.com for More Information