Built Like A Tank With Laser Precision
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B. Concrete Block Footing
A full concrete pad or footings just under the feet are not necessary for the installation for your boiler,
but are recommended to prevent frost heaving. Four concrete footing blocks 8” X 16” X 4” will suffice
if desired. You may add additional layers of blocks for ease of loading wood.
It is recommended to insulate the underside of the boiler with minimum 1” non-combustible hardboard
insulation and install non-combustible type of skirting around the feet and control area to prevent wind
from reducing efficiency.
C. Plumbing Hook Up
1. Plumbing and electrical connections are made through the rear access door.
2. The water lines must be buried below the frost line to prevent freezing. The depth of the
trench varies in different regions of the country. Be completely sure about the correct depth
needed before the insulated pex pipe is installed underground. Contact your local building
inspector’s office for this information.
4. If you purchased insulated pipe, it may contain twine for pulling electrical wire. Do this
before the pipe is in the trench for ease of pulling.
5. If more than one building is to be heated, additional pipe must be installed.
6. If you have rocky ground, make sure you place straw around the pipe before back filling or
use sand, giving extra protection against punctures.
7. Keep 90’s to a minimum as each one adds about 1 foot of head pressure, reducing the rate
of water flow.
If only one color of pipe is used, label the water lines or connect and test them before back
filling over pipe and lines
Wiring the boiler
A qualified electrician must wire this boiler in accordance with the National Electrical Code.