Global Assignments
By default, all assignments are stored on the preset level, so they change as the preset
changes. In most cases this is the expected behavior, but you may wish to have some glob-
al assignments that are always the same. The most obvious and common case is when you
Sound Selection — Previous / Next
to a controller to step through the presets.
To make any controller’s assignments global (overriding assignments on preset level), click
on the according
button and select Lock (a padlock symbol appears).
Unlocking the controller
Unlock the controller the same way to be able to add or delete assignments.
Linking External MIDI Controllers to the Virtual Rig Kontrol
The Virtual Rig Kontrol is a perfectly integrated component of GUITAR RIG 5, sporting
pre-assigned functions for many presets and a convenient display for all its assignments,
especially in Live view. If your external MIDI controller features a comparable set of con-
trols, it can make sense to map it to the Virtual Rig Kontrol and then use the latter for
assigning functions instead.
Linking its knobs and the pedal to any controller input works exactly the same as with oth-
er functions: Just drag the controller and drop it onto the button of the Virtual Rig Kontrol
you want it to be linked with. All the functions assigned to this particular button will now
be triggered by the linked controller input. Assigning functions to the Virtual Rig Kontrol
works by dragging the box below or beneath each of its controls (containing its name) onto
the desired knob or switch in the rack. See section
6.2, Assigning Functions to the Rig
to learn more!
Hold Mode for MIDI Controllers and Rig Kontrol
There are generally two ways a switch can behave:
GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 62