Nations Technologies Inc.
Address: Nations Tower, #109 Baoshen Road, Hi-tech Park North.
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R.China
ETH DMA interrupt enable register (ETH_DMAINTEN)
Address offset: 0x101C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000
For Ethernet interrupts, the interrupt will only occur if ETH_DMASTS.TTI or ETH_DMASTS.PMTI is 1 and the
corresponding interrupt is not masked, or if ETH_DMASTS.NIS or ETH_DMASTS.AIS is set to 1 and the
corresponding interrupt is enabled.
00: 64
01: 32
10: 96
11: 128
Note: These bits are only valid when ETH_DMAOPMOD.RSF is 0.
Operation second frame.
0: TxDMA starts to transmit the data of the next frame only after receiving the
transmission status information of the previous frame.
1: TxDMA starts to transmit the data of the next frame after the data of the previous
frame is all stored in the TxFIFO and before receiving the transmission status
information of the previous frame.
Start/stop receive.
0: RxDMA enters stop mode after forwarding the current received frame. Holds the
position of the next receive descriptor in the receive descriptor queue, which becomes
the current descriptor when the transfer resumes. "Stop receive" can only be done
while reception is running or when reception is paused.
1: Put the receiving process into the running state, and the DMA checks the current
position of the receiving descriptor queue to process the next received frame. The
receiving frame descriptor can be obtained from the base address of
ETH_DMARXDLADDR, or from the pointer position of the receiving descriptor
queue if the last receiving was stopped. If the RDES0.OWN of the current descriptor
is 0, then the receiving process enters the suspended (suspended) state and sets the
ETH_DMASTS.RU bit to 1. The "Start receive" command is valid only when
reception is stopped or when reception is paused.
Note: Unpredictable consequences may occur if the "Start Receive" command is
issued before all other DMA registers have been set.
Reserved, the reset value must be maintained.