2.0 Getting Started (continued)
2.5 Test Setup – System
For proper fan control follow the following procedure, using SensorEval as described in the
SensorEval software manual.
Change Register 4A as follows:
1. Set the PWM Clock Select to 1.4 kHz
2. Change the Tachometer Mode to the most accurate reading mode
3. You may change the polarity, if desired, but the traditional mode is
with the fan off at 0V.
Change Register 4B, if desired, to change the Fan Spinup PWM Duty Cycle and Spinup Time.
Change Register 4C to 10 hex.
The fan should now start running.
For continuous temperature and tach readings select the read continuous check box. You may also
log the data to a file.
Registers 4A, 4B, 4D and then
4C (PWM Value)
the Lookup Table in
Registers 4F through 5F must be programmed in that order for the initial fan control
setup. If the Lookup Table was selected then write Register 4A, bit 5.
[Note: In the example on the following pages we will be selecting bit(s) in Register