Chapter 5
Channel Scanning from the SCXI-1121 via Another Module
To scan the SCXI-1121 via other modules, you must cable the other
module to a data acquisition board and the other module must be able to
transfer Analog Bus 0 to the data acquisition board. The other module must
also be able to send a SCANCLK*-compatible signal on TRIG0. Refer to
Chapter 2,
Configuration and Installation
, for more information. The
module programming steps are as follows:
Perform any necessary programming to ensure that no modules are
driving Analog Bus 0. For an SCXI-1121, clearing AB0EN in the
Configuration Register will ensure that its output is not driving AB0.
Program the other module not to drive Analog Bus 0, but to send
Analog Bus 0 to the data acquisition board. Also program the other
module to send a SCANCLK*-compatible signal to TRIG0.
Write the binary pattern
XXXCC XX001111
to the SCXI-1121
Configuration Register, where CC is the starting channel number.
Multiple-Module Multiplexed Scanning
To scan multiple modules, you must connect one module to the data
acquisition board and the module must be able to transfer Analog Bus 0 to
the data acquisition board. This module must also be able to send a
SCANCLK*-compatible signal on TRIG0. Refer to Chapter 2,
Configuration and Installation
, for more information. The module
programming steps are as follows:
Perform any necessary programming to ensure that no modules are
driving Analog Bus 0. For an SCXI-1121, clearing AB0EN in the
Configuration Register will ensure that its output is not driving AB0.
Program the module that is connected to the data acquisition board to
connect Analog Bus 0 to the data acquisition board but not drive
Analog Bus 0 unless it is receiving an active low signal on SCANCON.
Also program the module to send a SCANCLK*-compatible signal
onto TRIG0. If this module is an SCXI-1121, this programming is
accomplished by writing the binary pattern
XXXCC XX001111
its Configuration Register.
If this module is an SCXI-1121 and is not going to be scanned (it is just being used
as an interface), write a zero to bit 2 (SCANCONEN) in the Configuration Register. The
start channel bits become don’t care bits.
Program the other modules to be used in the scan to connect their
outputs to Analog Bus 0 but not to drive Analog Bus 0 unless receiving
an active low signal on SCANCON. Also program the other modules