Chapter 2
Using the NI PXIe-4300
Routing AI Pause Trigger Signal to an Output Terminal
You can route AI Pause Trigger out to any PXI_Trig <0..7>, PXI_STAR, or PXIe_DSTARC
Pause triggers are only sensitive to the level of the source, not the edge.
Getting Started with AI Applications in Software
You can use the NI PXIe-4300 modules in the following analog input applications:
Simultaneous sampling
Single-point analog input
Finite analog input
Continuous analog input
You can perform these applications through DMA or programmed I/O data transfer mechanisms.
Some of the applications also use start and reference pause triggers.
For more information about programming analog input applications and
triggers in software, refer to the
NI-DAQmx Help
or the
LabVIEW Help
in version 8.0
or later.
NI PXIe-4300 modules use the NI-DAQmx driver. NI-DAQmx includes a collection of
programming examples to help you get started developing an application. You can modify
example code and save it in an application. You can use examples to develop a new application
or add example code to an existing application.
To locate LabVIEW, LabWindows
, Measurement Studio, Visual Basic, and ANSI C
examples, refer to the KnowledgeBase document,
Where Can I Find NI-DAQmx Examples?
, by
going to
and entering the Info Code