National Instruments Corporation
NI PCI-7342 Hardware User Manual
+5 V signal.
Host +5 V signal
analog feedback, 4-2
Analog Input <1..2> signal
analog input voltage ranges (table), 5-14
description (table), 5-4
internal ADC channels (table), 5-13
purpose and use, 5-13 to 5-14
Analog Input Ground signal
description (table), 5-4
purpose and use, 5-14
analog inputs
signal descriptions, 5-13 to 5-15
wiring concerns, 5-15
Analog Output <1..2> signal
description (table), 5-4
purpose and use, 5-5
Analog Output Ground signal
description (table), 5-4
purpose and use, 5-5
Analog Reference signal
description (table), 5-4
purpose and use, 5-14
axes, 4-3 to 4-4
See also
servo axes; stepper axes
Axis<1..2> Dir (CCW) signal
compatibility with third-party drives, 5-5
description (table), 5-4
purpose and use, 5-5
Axis<1..2> Encoder Index signal
description (table), 5-4
purpose and use, 5-9 to 5-10
Axis<1..2> Encoder Phase A signal
description (table), 5-4
purpose and use, 5-8 to 5-9
Axis<1..2> Encoder Phase B signal
description (table), 5-4
purpose and use, 5-8 to 5-9
Axis<1..2> Forward Limit Switch signal
description (table), 5-4
purpose and use, 5-6 to 5-7
Axis<1..2> Home Switch signal
description (table), 5-4
purpose and use, 5-6 to 5-7
Axis<1..2> Inhibit signal
description (table), 5-4
purpose and use, 5-6
Axis<1..2> Reverse Limit Switch signal
description (table), 5-4
purpose and use, 5-6 to 5-7
Axis<1..2> Step (CW) signal
compatibility with third-party drives, 5-5
description (table), 5-4
purpose and use, 5-5
breakpoint outputs
output circuit (figure), 5-13
wiring concerns, 5-12
Breakpoint<1..2> signal
description, 5-4
purpose and use, 5-12