Chapter 2
Using Your 653X
National Instruments Corporation
Figure 2-18.
Using a Start and Stop Trigger
Pattern-Matching Trigger
Instead of using an external signal on the start/stop trigger pins on the
I/O connector, you may start or stop (not both) an operation once a
user-specified digital pattern is matched.
Specify four parameters to set a pattern-matching trigger:
Whether it is a start or stop trigger
The data pattern to be detected/matched
The mask, which selects the bits of interest for pattern detection
The mask for the pattern-matching trigger is the same as the one used for change
detection. In other words, input lines significant for the pattern-matching trigger are also
significant for change detection.
Polarity (whether to detect data that matches or mismatches the
specified pattern)
The 653
device detects any occurrence of a specific pattern immediately
as the data comes in. When a match occurs, the 653
device starts
acquiring data. For example, if you want to start an acquisition when the
two least significant bits of your data are 1 and 0, you would specify your
trigger parameters to match those in Figure 2-19.
Pretrigger Data
Posttrigger Data