© National Instruments Corp.
GPIB-140 User Manual
Chapter 1
This chapter lists what your kit should contain and optional equipment you can order, and
gives a brief description of the GPIB extender.
What Your Kit Should Contain
Your kit should contain the following components.
One of the following GPIB-140 or GPIB-140/2 bus extenders:
U.S. 100-120 VAC
Switzerland 220-240 VAC
Australia 220-240 VAC
Universal European 220-240 VAC
North American 220-240 VAC
U.K. 220-240 VAC
One of the following standard 3-wire power cables:
100-120 VAC
220-240 VAC
Optional Equipment
You can contact National Instruments to order any of the following equipment to go with
your kit.
Transmission cable:
Type T7 fiber optic cable – up to 1 km (used with GPIB-140)
Type T8 fiber optic c able – up to 2 km (used with GPIB-140/2)
Shielded GPIB cables*:
Type X1 single-shielded GPIB cables – 1 m, 2 m, or 4 m
Type X2 double-shielded GPIB cables – 1 m, 2 m, or 4 m
To meet FCC emission limits for this Class A device, you must use a shielded
(Type X1 or X2) GPIB cable. Operating this equipment with a non-shielded cable
may cause interference to radio and television reception in commercial areas.