The safe product, conforming to the EU requirements.
The product is made in accordance with RoHS European standard.
The WEEE symbol (the crossed-out wheeled bin) usage indicates that this product is not a household waste.
Appropriate waste management aids in avoiding consequences, which are harmful for people and
environment and result from dangerous materials used in the device, as well as, improper storage and
processing of such equipment. Segregated household waste collection allows recycling of materials and
components of which the device was made of. In order to get detailed information about recycling of this
particular product, please contact your retailer or a local authority.
This Impakt S.A. declares that the device complies with the essential requirements and other applicable
provisions of the applicable EC directives. Full text of the CE declaration can be downloaded from the website
of the distributor
This product is designed for charging devices equipped with a USB
connector. Product can be powered from an external device that has the
parameters the same like charger describe on input. Use as intended. If used for purposes not described
above, the product may be damaged.
Read and follow these operating instructions carefully. Please make this product available to others people
only with this manual. This product complies with national and European statutory requirements.
The device is not a toy. Keep them out of the reach of children and pets.
Protect the product from extreme temperatures, direct sunlight, strong vibrations, high humidity,
inflammable gases, vapors and solvents.
Do not subject the product to mechanical stress.
If it is not possible to continue to operate the product safely, it must be removed from use and protected
against re-use. Ensuring further, safe operation is not possible if the product: is apparently damaged,
does not work properly, it was stored in a long time under adverse environment conditions.
Handle the product carefully. Shock, knock, or fall, even at low altitudes, can cause product damage.
Observe the safety instructions and use of all other equipment used in connection with the product.
If the powerbank is not in use, remove it from the mains socket.
For safety reasons, disconnect the powerbank from the wall outlet during a thunderstorm.
Do not modify the device. Otherwise, the device may be damaged.
The product becomes hot during use. Ensure adequate ventilation and never cover the product when in use.
Never connect or disconnect the product with wet hands.
Do not short the USB output.
Never use the product immediately after moving from cold to warm place. Condensation of moisture
could damage the product. Before connecting, use the product to allow it to warm to ambient
Never leave the product or the equipment connected unattended while in use.
Maintenance work, adjustments and repairs may only be carried out by a specialist or specialist
workshop. The product can’t be rebuilt.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in hazards such as short circuit, fire and electric shock. Such
cases invalidate the warranty and exclude the manufacturer's liability for personal and material damage
resulting therefrom.
Bezpečný výrobok splňujúci požiadavky EÚ.
Zariadenie je vyrobené v súlade s európskou normou RoHS.
Použitie symbolu WEEE (škrtnutý kôš) znamená, že s týmto výrobkom nemožno nakladať ako s domácim
odpadom. Správnou likvidáciou výrobku pomáhate predchádzať škodlivým následkom, ktoré môžu mať
nebezpečný vplyv na ľudí a životné prostredie, z možnej prítomnosti nebezpečných látok, zmesí, alebo
komponentov, ako aj nesprávne skladovanie a spracovanie takéhoto výrobku. Triedený zber odpadu pomáha
recyklovať materiály a komponenty, z ktorých boli tieto zariadenia vyrobené. Podrobné informácie
o recyklácii tohto výrobku Vám poskytne predajca, alebo miestne orgány štátnej správy.
Týmto Impakt S.A. prehlasuje, že toto zariadenie spĺňa základné požiadavky právnych predpisov členských
štátov EÚ týkajúcich sa platných smerníc ES. Plné znenie prehlásenia CE možno stiahnuť z internetovej
stránky výrobcu