DUET SWITCH 1 in its default configuration, is programmed to remove
your FAX DEVICE from the telephone line and only connect your Fax
Device to the telephone line when you are sending or receiving a Fax
By doing so, DUET SWITCH 1 can ENSURE that your FAX DEVICE will
NEVER INTERFERE with an incoming or outgoing telephone call.
However, a small number of Fax Devices will NOT DIAL when connected
to DUET SWITCH 1 in this way.
If your Fax Device WILL NOT DIAL out when connected to DUET SWITCH
1, then you should set Dip Switch 2 to the ON position.
When Dip Switch 2 is set to the ON position, DUET SWITCH 1 will leave
your Fax Device connected to your telephone line when your line is not
in use. It will then remove it from the telephone line whenever you pick
up a telephone to make an outgoing call or whenever you receive an
incoming call.
If you require Dip Switch 2 to be set to the ON position, you MUST set
to your FAX DEVICE to answer on THREE or MORE RINGS. This will
ensure that your Fax Device does not interfere with incoming telephone
calls. Providing you do so, this setting will not interfere with your Line
Sharing requirements.
If SW2 is set to ON -
Fax REQUIRES connection to the telephone line to dial
If SW2 is set to OFF -
Fax DOES NOT REQUIRE connection to the line to dial
Page 8 National Communications