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About the Simulator






 Auscultation Trainer 

Simulator duplicates heart and lung 

conditions selected by the instructor 

by wireless remote control. The stu-

dent must palpate to identify the cor-

rect auscultation sites and will hear dif-

ferent heart and lung sounds as the 

SmartScope™ is moved from site to 

site. The simulator duplicates human 

conditions as closely as modern plas-

tics and electronic technology allows 

— it’s almost the real thing. Care and 

treatment should be the same as with 

a patient.

The simulator has six heart sites and 

four lung sound sites on the anterior 

surface, with 14 lung sound locations 

on the posterior. The remote control 

can select from 12 different heart condi-

tions, as well as 16 lung conditions. 

The instructor can select any condition, 

then switch to another condition easily 

so the student can compare sounds 

and make a diagnosis.

The remote control does not have to 

be pointed directly at the manikin or 

stethoscope to operate. One remote 

control will operate multiple sets of 

SmartScopes™ and manikins simulta-

neously. Great for group instruction. 

The range of the remote control is up 

to 100 feet.

General Instructions for Use

To begin using the Auscultation 

Trainer, press the red power button. 

This turns on the remote control and 

sends a signal to activate the stetho-

scope as well. After the unit is activat-

ed, the display will be in the “status” 

mode, displaying the current menu set-

tings for the heart and lung conditions.

To select a new condition, press either 

the heart or lung button. This will put the 

display into the menu mode. The user 

can select a condition by either using 

the number buttons, or by viewing the 

conditions in sequence using the scroll 

button. After the condition is selected, 

press the enter button to activate.

The remote control can be  

programmed to these heart  


01  Normal 
02  Aortic regurgitation 
03  Pulmonary stenosis 
04  Mitral stenosis 
05  Holosystolic 
06  Mid-systolic 
07  S3 Gallop 
08  S4 Gallop 
09  Systolic click 
10  Atrial septal defect 
11  PDA 
12  VSD

The remote control can be  

programmed to these lung  


01  Normal tracheal 
02  Normal vesicular 
03  Wheezes 
04  Mono wheeze 
05  Fine crackle 
06  Coarse crackle 
07  Ronchi crackle 
08  Stridor 
09  Cavernous 
10  Bronchovesicular 
11  Bronchial 
12  Pulmonary edema 
13  Infant 
14  Friction rub 
15  Egophony 
16  Pectoriloquy
