Another technique is to place
the palm of the hand over the
trochanter and extend the
spread fingers towards the pos-
terior iliac spine. An injection
may be safely administered by
entrance between the thumb
and index finger.
B. Ventrogluteal Injections
This site is becoming more
frequently used for injections
because it is removed from
major blood vessels and nerves,
and it also presents good
muscle density. Because of the
previously listed features and
because the landmarks are so
easily identified, this site can
often be used in giving pediatric
injections. The patient can be
injected in this area while in a
prone position, on their side, or
standing, but the best technique
dictates that they should be in a
supine position.
The student defines the site by
locating the greater trochanter
and placing their palm on it.
Then the index finger should
reach towards the anterior iliac
crest. Now move the middle fin-
ger away from the index finger.
The triangle between the two is
the safe site to inject. The nee-
dle should be inserted towards
the iliac crest at a slight upward
C. Vastus Lateralis Injections
Again because of the lack of
major vessels and nerves, this
site is often used in pediatric
patients. With the patient in the
supine position, the student
identifies the site by positioning
one hand above the knee and
one hand below the greater tro-
chanter. The area between the
hands is the safe zone.
Care of Simulator
Normal soil accumulated on the
surface of the simulator can be
removed with mild soap and luke-
warm water. Use Nasco Cleaner
(LF09919U) to remove stubborn
stains from simulator. Simply spray
soiled area and wipe clean with a
soft cloth or paper towels.
Solvents or corrosive materials will
damage the simulator. Never place
simulator on any kind of printed
paper or plastic. These materials will
transfer indelible stains. Ball-point
pens will also make indelible stains.
Supplies/Replacement Parts
for Simulator
Nasco Cleaner
Replacement Muscle