4. With the other shoulder tube attached to the second (empty)
fluid supply bag B, (see Figure 3) gradually “flush” the vascular
system with synthetic blood by slowly opening the clamp on
fluid supply bag A. (See Figure 4.) (The pinch clamp on fluid
supply bag B should be open.) Allow same “blood” to pass
through the system until the air bubbles have been eliminated.
5. Close the clamp on bag A and then turn the arm over so it is
palm up. Slowly open the clamp on bag A to allow some blood to
pass through and to remove any remaining air that is trapped in
the system. (See Figure 5.)
Note: It may be necessary to swap the positions of the fluid
supply bags A and B during the filling process in order to
prevent bubbles in the tubing. If bag A runs out of blood before
the arm is fully prepped, simply remove it from its hanging
position and replace it with (full) bag B.
6. Once the system is filled, close the clamp on (resting) fluid
supply bag B and leave (hanging) fluid supply bag A clamp
open. The arm is now fully pressurized and can be used palm up
or down.
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5