Attaching to a Case Without Side Rails
If you have a case without rails on the inside of the cover, with the metal Serial Tag riveted in the
middle, and with the three scope pockets, follow these instructions:
1. Make note of the Serial No. on the backside of the board and on the inside case cover for
your records and future use. Doing this now will prevent you from possibly having to
remove the board to obtain the Serial No. in the future.
2. There are four 1” square, double-sided pieces of tape enclosed, which are to be used to
attach the auscultation board to your case. The tape squares can be utilized in any manner
you wish, but the following is the recommended method:
a. Remove the backing from the tape pieces.
b. Fold each tape piece in half – over onto itself.
c. Place each tape piece approximately 2” in from the corners on the backside of the
d. Center and firmly press the board onto the case cover.
Attaching to a Case with Side Rails
If your case has side rails for holding the board onto the case, follow these instructions:
1. Carefully slide the board beneath the two side rails that are on the inner sidewalls of the
case. Push it all the way in so that the bottom of the board slips beneath the bottom rail.
2. There are four 1” square, double-sided pieces of tape enclosed, which are to be used to keep
the auscultation board attached to the case and prevent it from sliding out. You may use the
tape squares in any manner you wish, but the following is the recommended method:
a. Remove the backing from the tape pieces.
b. Double stack the four tape squares so that you have two stacks of doubled tape.
c. While lifting the top edge of the board away from the case surface, insert each of the
two tape stacks between the board and the case surfaces – adhere to one of the surfaces.
They should be equidistant on the width of the board and about 1” down from the top
d. Let go of the board so that the tape stacks come into contact with the other surface, and
press firmly to achieve a strong bond.
NP 101-07/RV 1-10
Complete Life/form® Auscultation Training Station • LF01191 •