– Draw in the lugs on the rear side of the sauna
stove through the mounting slots of the mount-
ing plate on the wall (Fig.6A).
– Push the upper edge of the mounting plate
between the jacket and upper frame of the
sauna stove and make sure that the lugs of the
stove are wedged into the slots of the mount-
ing plate on the wall (Figure 6B).
– Tighten the upper edge of the sauna stove with
a locking screw (Figure 6C).
– The stone basket is now locked in the jacket
and on the mounting plate of the sauna stove.
– The stones are piled on the top of the grate in
the stone capacity, place them between and
around of the heating elements (resistors) so
that the stones support each other. Please
make sure that the resistors are not supporting
the weight of the stones.
– When piling the stones, make sure that the
resistors are not bending and there is sufficient
air circulation.
– Do not pile the stones densely. A stone basket
which has been filled too densely causes over-
heating of the resistors (= a shorter lifetime)
and slows down warming up the sauna.
– The stone size diameter suitable for the sauna
stove is 5-10 cm.
– The stones must completely cover the heating
resistors (Figure 7).
– Use of ceramic stones that are light, porous
and of the same size is prohibited, as they can
cause the resistors to heat up too much and
break. Similarly, soft soap stones cannot be
used as sauna heater stones.
Do not use the sauna heater without stones.
A stone space not been filled completely is a
fire hazard!
Before you connect the sauna stove always
check the steam room.
– The clock switch is on the lower part of the
sauna stove. It can be used both for switching
on and as a timer. The warming time desired,
1-4 hours, or a preselected time, 1-8 hours,can
be adjusted with the clock switch.
Functional example:
– When switching to number 2 on the light area
of the scale, the sauna stove is immediatelly
connected to function and this function will
end in 2 hours.
– When switching to number 4 on the black area
(the preselection area), the sauna stove is
connected to function in 4 hours. The stove will
then be switched on for about 4 hours.
– The function of the sauna stove can be ended
by switching counter-clockwise to position 0.
Figure 6.
Figure 7.