nano-porous systems Ltd
17-100-0100 13
6. Troubleshooting
Probable Cause
Poor Dew point
1. Insufficient inlet pressure
2. Electrical Fault
3. Moist or contaminated desiccant
4. Too high air consumption
5. Excessive inlet air temperature
6. Insufficient purge air
7. Exhaust silencer blocked
1. Inlet pressure = min 4 bar. If not adjust inlet pressure
2. Ensure the power is on and the dryer front panel is
illuminated; check the dryer is cycling correctly.
3. Eliminate the cause of contamination. Change cartridges
– do not re-use.
4. Ensure the performance of the dryer matches the
required air consumption.
5. Check against technical specification.
6. Purge incorrectly adjusted. Consult service personnel to
adjust settings (Factory pre-set).
7. Consult service personnel.
Failure of Dryer
to cycle
8. Controller not functioning correctly
9. insufficient inlet pressure
10. Failure to de-pressurise when
11. Outlet flow stops
8. Ensure the controller is powered; check the on screen
column status to ensure it is powering the exhaust valves
during normal cyclic operation.
9. Inlet pressure = min 4 bar. If not adjust inlet pressure
10. Solenoid valve not functioning correctly; if there is
power to the coil, replace valve. A correctly working valve
outputs an audible click when it energises. .
11. Check inlet air supply.
Constant de-
12. Failure to initialise dryer
13. Erratic air flow from exhaust
12. Switch off and restart dryer. Ensure air supply is on
before powering dryer to allow dryer to initialise before
commencing operation.
13. Faulty or damaged valve; service required.
Reference to known misuse
Opening the inlet valve too quickly.
Valve should be opened slowly allowing the pressure to build up gradually.
Inlet/outlet head pipe
Diameter too small.
Pipework unsupported.
Inlet pipework from low point in system, allowing bulk water to collect and enter the dryer.
Electrical controller
Incorrect fuse fitted or fuse blown. Check the plug and fuse located underneath the dryer.
Additional Items
Use of non-authorised components.
Untrained / unauthorised maintenance / installation personnel used.
Increase in air consumption without relation to the flow capacity of the dryer.
Purging the dryer with cleaning agents that could damage the components or the desiccant.
Covers removed or loose during operation.
Failure to carry out a service when indicated by the dryer.
Do not allow the dryer to flow air unless powered up, switched on and cycling. Resulting
effect could be cartridge contamination; requiring replacement cartridges.