Tips for Getting Started
Please refer to Your Journey to Better Hearing for a guide to
wearing your hearing aids for the first 21 days.
Before wearing your new device, we recommend removing any
wax build up in the ear canal. A professional ear cleaning may
be necessary, as excess wax may cause feedback.
Wear the hearing aids for a few hours the first day. Try to
increase the amount of time you wear them each day. Start by
wearing them in a quiet environment, gradually working your
way to more challenging environments, such as restaurants.
Initially, wear the hearing aids at home. You’ll notice sounds you
may not have heard in a while, like the refrigerator humming.
Over time, your brain will learn to adapt to these new sounds.
Have one-on-one conversations in a quiet environment.
Listen to an audio book or podcast.
Noisy environments can be quite challenging for new hearing
Tips for Getting Started
Tips for Getting Started
aid users (and even normal hearing people). Be patient as you
explore the more challenging listening environments.
Ask your friends and family to help you by speaking clearly and
slowly. It will also be very helpful if they face you as they speak.
Everyone’s experience with adapting to hearing aids is different.
Be patient as you go through the process of adjusting to them.
Most likely, your hearing has decreased over a few years time.
Your brain is now receiving more auditory information than it
has in a while and will take some time to adapt.
Feedback/chirping can be expected when the hearing aid is
inserted in the ear with the power on. Feedback can also be
expected if you place your hand next to your ear with the
hearing aid on.
Wind noise/wind shear may be experienced when outdoors or
any time wind turbulence over the microphone is present.