During operation
Never press the
when the engine is running.
Check the instruments and warning
lamps after starting, and regularly
when cruising.
When a fault occurs, the acoustic
alarm sounds and the LCD display
indicates the source of the alarm.
Stop the engine if there is an abnor-
mal reading of an indicator or if an
alarm comes on, except in extreme
emergencies. Investigate to find the
cause and repair if it is possible.
Do not operate the engine if the
problem persists and contact a
Nanni workshop as soon as pos-
Cruising speed
A recommended engine speed is
given in the chapter
to help you to set your cruis-
ing speed
Always consider sailing
conditions and load of the boat to
set the cruising speed.
Operating the engine at wide open
throttle should be avoided since it
is both uncomfortable and uneco-
Note that operating the engine at
a too low rpm for a long period
could lead among other things to
increased oil consumption.
Deposits may also form in the injec-
tion system if the engine do not
reach its nominal operating tem-
perature regularly.
Run the engine at full throttle regu-
larly in order to burn off any possi-
ble deposits in the fuel system.