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An Integrated Amplifier that punches above its weight.

There's a long Naim tradition of punching above weight with the NAIT Integrated 

Amplifi er. It began with the original NAIT in 1983 and continues with the new and 

improved NAIT 5


. The NAIT 5


 takes all that's best about the tradition, and adds yet 

more dynamism, versatility and music.

Borrowing many of Naim’s latest amplifi er innovations, the NAIT 5


 becomes the 

fi nest-sounding integrated amplifi er in its class. Naim’s famous attention to detail 

has improved many aspects of the design, with many small improvements working 

together to deliver an increase in performance that just has to be heard. 

The NAIT 5


 delivers fi fty watts into real loudspeaker loads, each watt with the 

legendary Naim rhythmic drive and musical integrity. Entry-level it may be, 

but innovations such as its new ceramic heatsink help make the music it plays 

yet more detailed, engaging and recognisably Naim.


Versatility is vital for an entry-level amplifi er. The NAIT 5


 makes integration with 

existing systems easy by incorporating phono socket inputs alongside the traditional 

DIN sockets, and it offers the possibility of use with a wide range of speaker cable 

types. Integration with audio-visual systems is handled through a programmable 

“unity gain” input and even iPods


 are catered for with a front panel automatic 

switching mini-jack socket. The NAIT 5


 is intuitive in use too. It’s a true plug and 

play product.


* iPod is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries


