Installation and Operation Manual
UNI2-VAV Electronic Thermostat
Nailor reserves the right to change any information concerning product or specification without notice or obligation.
Nailor reserves the right to change any information concerning product or specification without notice or obligation.
Date: 8-2021
Supersedes: NEW
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Removing the thermostat from the subbase
The thermostat contains a release slot located on the bo� om.
Insert a small coin (dime) in the release slot and gently twist the
coin to release the thermostat from the subbase. Avoid twis� ng
the case, as this may stress the LCD or bend the terminal
connector pins.
The top of the thermostat is hinged to the subbase and will
release when rotated upward.
When a� aching the thermostat to the subbase, fi rst place the
hinged access cover on by fi � ng the plas� c molded pins into
the grooves at the top of the thermostat.
Carefully align the two standoff s located at the top of the
thermostat with the slots in the top of the subbase. Allow
the thermostat to swing downward and gently push un� l the
connector pins are fully seated into the terminal blocks.
Moun� ng the thermostat subbase
The thermostat should be installed in a loca� on that represents
the ambient room temperature. Do not install the thermostat in
an area where dra� s are present, near the fl oor, behind doors,
or on an external wall. Avoid placing the thermostat in areas
where the air movement is limited, aff ected by direct sunlight,
or other areas not typical of the temperature of the room.
When moun� ng the thermostat, be aware that dra� s may
travel down cavity walls and enter the back of the thermostat
through the control wire holes in the wall. It is important to seal
these holes to prevent any dra� s from aff ec� ng the internal
temperature sensor.
Pull the control wires through the large opening in the
thermostat subbase then level and mount the subbase on
the wall using the supplied anchors and screws.
Do not over-
� ghten the moun� ng screws as the subbase may warp
causing improper sea� ng of the thermostat connec� ng pins
to the terminal blocks.
Use a properly sized screwdriver and
land each wire to its dedicated terminal. Check to see that all
wires are landed correctly and dressed properly to prevent any