Installation and Operation Manual
UNI2-VAV Electronic Thermostat
Nailor reserves the right to change any information concerning product or specification without notice or obligation.
Date: 8-2021
Supersedes: NEW
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True modula� ng control of forced air zone dampers and VAV diff users. Eff ec� vely regulates the amount of supply air into the
space to maintain desired temperature. Automa� c heat/cool changeover.
The UNI2-VAV Electronic Thermostat is designed to wire to a factory mounted actuator board on a zone damper or VAV diff user
that uses a 3-wire fl oa� ng point actuator. A duct sensor is also wired to the actuator board. The thermostat uses the sensor to
determine whether the temperature in the duct is compa� ble with the thermostat call. For example, if the thermostat calls for
cooling and there is cold air in the duct, the damper will be allowed to drive open; otherwise, the damper will maintain it minimum
posi� on. The same applies for a hea� ng call.
The temperature in the duct must match the call or the thermostat will keep the damper at its minimum posi� on.
The UNI2-VAV can be used in stand- alone applica� ons as well as with the Z20, twenty zone logic panel that controls the HVAC
equipment based on zone thermostat demand.
Selectable modula� ng or two- posi� on damper control
• Selectable Fahrenheit or Celsius display
Single setpoint control for hea� ng and cooling
Adjustable minimum and maximum damper posi� on
Adjustable damper actuator speed se� ng
• Adjustable high and low setpoint limits
Adjustable temperature calibra� on off set
• Damper override for system balancing
• Assignable unit number
Assignable zone number
• Assignable Modbus address
• Locking keyboard
• Backlit LCD display
• Remote indoor sensor terminals
Real� me status display of:
• Unit number
• Zone number
• Duct temperature
Damper posi� on