(Revised 2010-11-15)
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Web Management – Menu Structure
Shows information about the manufacturer and the 102RAS, along with support Website and E-Mail
Brings up the Login page
Logs off the current user
IP Configuration
Shows the current IP Configuration and allows User to change.
SMTP Configuration
Shows the current SMTP Configuration and allows User to change.
Time Configuration
Shows the current Time Configuration and allows User to change.
Reset Unit
Resets the 102RAS.
Local Users
Shows information about the Local User Database, and allows User to modify.
Call Log
Log Parameters
Shows the current Logging Configuration and allows User to change.
Call Log
Shows the Call Log and allows User to select details for any call.
Current Status
Shows the status of the 102RAS.
POTS Modem 1
Shows the status of the embedded Modem.
Modem Setup
Modem Setup
Shows the current Modem Configuration and allows User to change.
General Modem Setup
Shows the general Modem Configuration and allows User to change.
Authentication Setup
Shows the current Authentication Configuration and allows User to
Radius Client Setup
Shows the current Radius Client Configuration and allows User to change.