Page 6 N-Tech Jets F-9F Panther Assembly Guide
Fuselage Assembly
Joining the Fuselage:
-The Panther fuselage is two-piece. This allows us
to package it more safely for shipping and gives you
the benefit of taking apart the fuselage for transport
in smaller vehicles. Joining the fuselage is very sim-
ple. There are 3 aluminum tubes. They insert into
the 3 holes in the fuselage. There insert into facto-
ry installed guides. Note that the shorter tube is the
middle tube. Once in place, the fuselage halves are
joined with machine screws, flat washers and lock
washers. The blind nuts for the screws are factory
installed. It is important that the screws be checked
before each flight.
Retract Control System Installation:
-The retract valve can be mounted in several places
in the plane. We’ve opted to install the servo, con-
trol valve, and filler, under the rear fuselage top-
hatch. We mounted the parts on a piece of 3mm ply
and mounted that plywood plate onto the formers.
If you wish, you can install the servo and control
valve in the front half of the fuselage on the former
next to the nosegear.
-The air tank is installed in the formers in the nose
of the fuselage.
Diagram Legend:
Red=Air Supply Lines
White=Down Lines
Green=Quick Disconnect Locations (physically lo-
cated at the fuselage halves-break. Sold Separately)
Gold Pieces are the supplied T-Connectors.
Air-Line Diagram
-Follow the diagram to connect the retract airlines.
-We installed aftermarket airline-disconnects at the
fuselage break so that if we take apart the fuselage
halves, the airlines easily come apart as well.