Speed Motors 1 & 2 in CLOSE Direction
Speed Motor 1 and 2 in CLOSE direction allows closing speed adjustment compa-
red to the speed set during Learning phase. Password must be entered to access
this function.
Standard speed (Default)
7.7.15f Soft-Stop Speed
Soft-Stop Speed function allows adjustment of the Soft-Stop speed compared to
default values set during Learning phase. Soft-Stop speed is 50% of the standard
speed as per default setting. Standard speed change impacts the Soft-Stop speed.
Password must be entered to access this function.
Standard speed (Default)
7.8 Factory Default
7.9 Finish and Exit
Factory default function resets control board to the original factory set-ups. All set-
tings, including limit settings, will be erased. LED display will show “E0”. Program-
med remote controls will remain learned. If Remote control accessories need to be
erased refer to the respective Radio Controls Programming section of this manual.
To exit the programming phase and save all changes,
move to FE function and press “P” button. The control board will go into Stand-by
mode and is ready to work.
There are also other ways to exit the programming and save settings:
• Press and hold “P” button for 5 seconds
• Wait 3 minutes after the last changes in the programming for automatic exit
no reset (Default)
reset to the factory default settings
Battery Back-Up Mode
2 Optional 12V, 2.2Ah lead batteries SKU 490EV (optional, not included) can be mounted inside the E-Box. Follow the manual of SKU 490EV for exact installation proce-
dure. A Flashing lamp (if mounted) will flash 2 seconds every 10 minutes indicating BBU mode and power loss. Control board will switch into stand-by mode with active
radio receiver accepting radio control device commands only. All other accessories and peripheral devices will not be functioning.
When in Battery Back-up mode, myQ Smartphone Control and wireless myQ devices will be disabled. Full charged battery capacity shall support up to ~20 cycles at a
rate of 2 per hour. After 24 hours of BBU mode the battery shall provide power for 1 complete opening and closing cycle. Please note that only the specified battery can
be use. Use of any other battery leads to loss of warranty and loss of liability of LiftMaster for any related damages resulting from use of unspecified batteries.