Installation Manual for F36 and F54 Ceiling Fans
reMeMber to turn off the power. Follow the steps below to hang this fan properly.
1. Remove the mounting plate from the canopy by loosening the two screws on the top of the canopy. Remove
the two non-slotted screws and loosen the slotted screws. This will enable you to remove the ceiling canopy
and install the Hanger Bracket on the ceiling. (Figure 5).
2. Route the wires exiting the top of the fan motor through the decorative motor coupling collar cover then the
canopy ring. Make sure the slot openings are on top. Route the wires through the canopy cover and then
through the ball/downrod assembly (Figure 6).
3. Loosen, but do not remove, the set screw on the collar on the top of the motor housing.
4. Align the holes at the bottom of the downrod with holes in the collar on top of the motor housing (Figure 6).
Carefully insert the hanger pin (bolt) through the holes in the collar and downrod. Be careful not to jam the
pin against the wiring inside the downrod. Insert the Split Pin through the hole near the end of the hanger
pin (bolt) until it snaps into its locked position, see below in Figure 6.
5. Re-tighten the set screw at the top of the fan motor firmly (Figure 6).
Hanger Bracket
Ceiling Canopy
Clevis Pin
Tighten set screw
Please reMOVe rubber
MOtOr stOPs On tHe
bOttOM OF tHe Fan
beFOre InstallIng blades
Or testIng MOtOr.