29. Caress the treatment
area, 3 times.
30. Do the same on the other
31. RF operation: move the
device from popliteal fossa to
anjin, 3 times.
32. Move the device in
circular motion on calf, 3
33. Move the device upwards
to popliteal fossa and caress
the treatment area with
hands, 3 times.
34. Push from popliteal fossa
tracing 4 main collateral
channels to the end of thigh, 3
35. Move the device in
circular motion from popliteal
fossa to the end of thigh, 3
36. Push from popliteal fossa
tracing main collateral
channels to the end of thigh, 3
37. Do the same with 40K
38. Strap lipo laser paddles
down on fat part of the legs;
wait for around 20 min.
39. Take off the paddles and
wipe the treatment area
40. Left-right order: lay the
arm flatwise, apply and rub oil
in from lower arm to the
entire arm and slide to the
fingers, 3 times.
41. Push the entire arm with
both palms, 3 times.
42. Push hands upwards
tracing three main collateral
Technique 25
Technique 30, 32
Technique 31
Technique 33
Technique 34
Technique 37