motion on calf, 3 times.
12. Move the device upwards
to popliteal fossa and caress
the treatment area with
hands, 3 times.
13. Push from popliteal fossa
tracing 4 main collateral
channels to the end of thigh, 3
14. Move the device in circular
motion from popliteal fossa to
the end of thigh, 3 times.
15. Push from popliteal fossa
tracing main collateral
channels to the end of thigh, 3
16. Do the same with
ultrasonic operation.
17. Do the same on the other
18. Foreleg: rub oil with both
hands from heel to the thigh
root (namely to caress the
treatment area), 3 times.
19. Alternately push the entire
leg from bottom to top and
wrap back into the heel, 3
20. Move hands upwards to
four main collateral
g-danjing) with fingers spread
and hukou pointing upwards,
3 times.
21. Push four main collateral
channels upwards with
kneeling fingers of both
hands, 3 times.
22. RF operation: Lift the
device towards knee while
tracing 3 collaterals, 3
times(start from thigh if
there’s not enough unwanted
fat on calf.)
Technique 14
Technique 18, 19, 20,
21, 22
Technique 23, 27
Technique 24, 28
Technique 25
Technique 26