1260 Kempar
Madison Heights
, MI
, U.S.A. Phone:248-733-0400, Fax: 775-587-5352
Email: [email protected] Website: www.dfgus.com
Dear Customer,
Thank you for purchasing Our EC1000 machine. The following are basic installation and
operation instruction. For advanced punching and binding, please contact DFG.
Remove the blue knob from machine. Slide the punch handle on the exposed knob. Screw
the blue knob back onto machine
Connect power cord and connect the foot pedal.
How to Punch (EtitanCoil machine showed following)
2. Select the punch margin (tip – the
thicker the book, the larger the punch
margin can be. However, you can use
a small punch margin for any book)
1. Set the side guide to center the
sheet for punching
3. Make sure your sheets are all the
way inside, against the back wall, and
then move sheets to the left side
against the side guide. Pull the
punching handle to punch.
Remove the blue
Install the punch handle
and blue knob
Connect foot pedal and
power cord (not shown)