When an applied load exceeds the capacity. "----"will appear on the display. Remove excessive load
immediately. The unitmay return to normal operation. You can permanently damage the scale by overloading it!
NOTE! There are 3 MX models - 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 Please use the instructions that are correct for your model
Your box will say 2.0 or 3.0. Also the new 3.0 has a CAL key whereas the earlier 1.0 and 2.0 scales did not.
Please turn the scale ON and allow it to warm up for 30 secondsbefore calibration. Repeat calibration at regular
intervals if thescale is subject to weather or altitude changes. Incorrect calibrationcan occur if you do not follow the
steps exactly. If your scale doesnot perform accurately, please try replacing your batteries before youcalibrate.
NOTE: if you do not have access to a 100g weight you can purchase one at your local store or in emergency
situations you can use 100g of coins (ie 20 US Nickels) as a 100g weight.
Calibration Procedure for MX120 & MX200 Version 1.0 (2001 Models)
1. Place the scale on a Flat, very stable surface. Turn the scale on and allow it to stabilize for 30 seconds.
2. Press and hold the "UNITS" key for 5 seconds until 100.0 starts flashing on the display.
3. Press the TARE key, the display will change to ALO.
4. Gently place the 100 gram weight on the scale, wait 3 seconds,The display should change to ALF. (If ALE
appears turn the scale offand start calibration again).
5. Press the TARE key. The scale will show 100.0, calibration iscomplete. Gently remove the weight.
Sometimes the scale may show aleftover value such as 0.1g, If you wish you may re-zero the unit bypressing the
tare key.
Calibration Procedure for MX120 & MX200 Version 2.0 (2002 Models)
1. Turn the scale OFF and Place the it on a Flat, very stable surface (Be certain the scale is OFF)
2. Press and hold the "TARE" key for 5 seconds until a random large number appears on the display Then
release the key.
3. Press and release the TARE key again, the display will show 2Ero and then 100.0
4. Gently place a 100 gram weight on the scale and wait 3 seconds.
5. Press and release the TARE key. The display will show CAL andthen PASS, calibration is complete. Gently
remove the weight and turnthe scale Off.
Calibration Procedure for MX200 Version 3.0 (2003 & 2004 Models)
1. Turn the scale OFF and Place the it on a Flat, very stable surface (Be certain the scale is OFF)
2. Press and hold the "CAL" key for 5 seconds until a random large number appears on the display Then
release the key.
3. Press and release the CAL key again, the display will show 2Ero and then 100.0
4. Gently place a 100 gram weight on the scale and wait 3 seconds.
5. Press and release the CAL key. The display will show CAL andthen PASS, calibration is complete. Gently
remove the weight and turnthe scale Off.
Note: If after calibration your scale does not readaccurately, this indicates calibration error and the
calibrationprocess should be repeated. Please calibrate on a very stable flatsurface
The primary reasons for inaccuracy or malfunction are low batteries,incorrect calibration, overload or operating
on an unstable surface.Please keep this in mind and maintain and operate your scale properly.The scale is a
precise instrument and must be handled with the utmostcare and caution.
When first turning the unit on, all segments of the display will appearas shown below. This display will remain
for approximately 3 secondsand then reset to zero.