H.264MP-PTZ RTSP Streaming User’s Manual
SMTP server: smtp.mail.yahoo.com
SMTP user name: [email protected]
SMTP port: 465
SSL: enabled
UPNP Setting:
Port mapping automatically: The Gateway/ Firewall server with UPNP
function will map port for camera automatically.
UPNP Network Card
The camera interface connect to UPNP Gateway/ Firewall.
UPNP mode
There are
Designate mode
: Camera will designate the data port and web port to
UPNP Gateway/ Firewall.
Auto mode
: Camera will get the data port and web port from UPNP
Gateway/ Firewall.
UPNP server
Gateway/ Firewall IP address.
Data mapping port
data mapping port of user-specified device on the router(works only
under specified mode).
Web mapping port
web mapping port of user-specified device on the router(works only
under specified mode).
Data mapping port status
When UPNP function runs successfully, the status bar will echo
the data port mapped to the router by the device.
Web mapping port status
When UPNP function runs successfully, the status bar will echo
the web port mapped to the router by the device.
After setting.
Camera is fully functional UPnP client, will communicate with UPnP Server through standard
UPnP protocols, The Gateway/ Firewall must supports UPnP Server functions.
FTP Setting:
Upload snapshot at alarm (motion & sensor), or by scheduled period of time
(example: every 1 minute).
Your FTP server
IP address
(or our LAN DISK), for example:
FTP port
default is 21.
FTP Username
FTP account name.
FTP Password
Your account password on FTP server.
FTP catalog
folder to store snapshots.
FTP URL must be IP address, don’t support domain name.
RTSP Setting:
Enable RTSP streaming, will be compatible with vlc player, Coreplayer &
Real player on 3G phones
RTSP port
default port is 554.
After setting.