I 5
Rotate the plastic ring on the front wheels towards the center of the stroller to lock
wheels for driving straight ahead as in
picture 4A
To release the lock and be able to turn the wheels 360 degrees, turn the ring in the opposite
direction as shown by the arrow in
picture 4B
Kočnica /
Brake the stroller
1) Pritisnite pedalu kočnice da zaključate kolica.
Podignite pedalu kočnice da otpustite kočnicu kao što je prikazano na
slici 5A
Press the brake pedal to lock the stroller.
Raise the brake pedal to release the brake like in
picture 5A
Uvek pritisnite kočnicu kada stavljate dete u kolica.
Always block the brake when you put your baby into the pram.