A frying pan made of black carbon steel. The pan has no coating. The black surface 
of the pan is one of the qualities of the raw material (black carbon steel), not a 
layer added to the surface of the pan. As the pan is not made of stainless steel, it 
is important to follow the instructions for use and maintenance carefully. Correct 
handling and treatment will improve the pan’s frying qualities and protect it 
against rust. The pan is heat-resistant, but it does not resist too quick heating – so 
do not heat it up too hastily. You can use the pan with metal tools. When correctly 
used and maintained, the pan will have a long service life.


Wash the pan by hand with hot water and mild detergent, wipe dry immediately. In 
the manufacturing process, the surface of the pan has been pre-seasoned, so it will 
not necessarily require seasoning when taken into use. 


1) Always heat up the pan with moderate temperature. Too quick heating may cause 
the bottom of the pan to distort. Do not heat up the pan when it is empty – before 
heating up the pan, add e.g. a little water. If the pan clearly overheats, the distorted 
bottom may never restore its original shape. To prevent distortion, avoid leaving 
the pan in cold water while the pan is hot. The carbon steel pan is made of thinner 
material than for example a cast iron pan, and it heats up very quickly, even at 
low temperature.
2) Always fry with fat. Use fat generously, especially while the pan is still new. 
Later, when the pan has formed a coat of fat, you can reduce the amounts of fat. 
When frying foods that are high in protein, e.g. eggs or white fish, it is advisable to 
be observant and keep the temperature down. Let the food fry properly without 
turning it too many times. In this way you can prevent food from sticking to the 
surface of the pan.


Wash the pan by hand with hot water preferably immediately after use while the 
dirt is still easy to remove. Do not use even mild detergents – detergents will 
dissolve the coat of fat in the pan. The easiest way to clean the pan is to boil up 
water in it immediately after cooking. In this way, food that has stuck to the pan is 
easy to remove, and then you’ll only have to wipe the pan e.g. with paper towels. 
Do not wash the pan in a dishwasher. Do not leave the pan in water – it is not made 
of rustproof material. Do not leave the pan to dry outdoors. Dry it immediately to 
keep it from rusting. It is normal for the black surface to wear in course of time, 
and you can restore a dark surface by seasoning the pan e.g. with Muurikka Silava 
Frying Fat or rapeseed oil. 


Always season the pan when the coat of fat is damaged or has been washed off. 
The coat of fat formed on the surface of the pan protects the pan against rust 
and also improves the frying qualities. 

1) Heat up the pan carefully on the stove. Spread a thin layer of Muurikka Silava Frying 
Fat or rapeseed oil over the surface of the pan. The oil or fat should be absorbed into 
the surface of the pan evenly. If there is too much oil or fat at the same time, the oil or 
fat will burn into an uneven mass on the surface of the pan and not be absorbed. Let 
the oil or fat take effect – when it does, the pan will start smoking lightly.
2) While you are seasoning the pan, the surface of the pan begins to darken, 
especially where the original black surface is worn. The seasoning is complete when 
the oil or fat has ”evaporated” from the surface of the pan and the pan has stopped 
smoking. Move the pan to ensure an even result.
3) After seasoning the pan, let it cool properly. You can season the pan as many times 
as you wish.
4) When the original black surface is worn and the pan is seasoned, it is normal for 
the surface to become multicoloured. The frying qualities of the pan improve when it 
is greased often and the surface patinates. A seasoned and correctly maintained pan 
looks speckled brown and its surface feels oily and smooth.


The product guarantee applies to manufacturing and material defects. The guarantee 
does not apply to damage caused by the end user, corrosion or defects due to neglect 
of care and maintenance.


Problem: The pan is rusty

If your pan is rusty, rub the rust off e.g. with a scouring pad and season the pan as 
described above immediately after removing the rust.

Problem: The pan is warped or twisted

If the bottom of the pan is warped, try to straighten it out as follows: Place the pan 
upside down on a steady surface and knock on the bottom of the pan e.g. with a 
rubber mallet.

Problem: Food sticks

If food sticks to the pan, add oil or fat while cooking, and observe correct 
maintenance (no detergents, hand wash, seasoning etc.). Avoid turning the food too 
many times while cooking, and use low frying temperature when necessary.

Problem: Black surface comes off

It is normal for the black surface to wear in course of time, and you can restore a dark 
surface by seasoning the pan again.

Summary of Contents for HIILITERAS RETKIPANNU

Page 1: ...HIILITERÄS RETKIPANNU Picknick kolstålspanna Carbon Steel Outdoor Pan ...

Page 2: ...e ei ole ruostumatonta materiaalia Älä myöskään jätä pannua kuivumaan ulkoilmaan vaan kuivaa se heti jotta se ei pääse ruostumaan Mustan pinnan kuluminen käytön ja ajan myötä ei ole vaarallista ja tumman pinnan voi palauttaa rasvapolttamalla pannun uudelleen Rasvapolta pannu esim Muurikka Silavalla tai rypsiöljyllä RASVAPOLTON TEKEMINEN Rasvapoltto on uusittava aina kun se on vahingoittunut tai pe...

Page 3: ... inte lämnas i vatten Låt inte heller pannan torka utomhus utan torka av den genast så att den inte rostar Det är inget problem att den svarta ytan slits med tiden Man kan återfå en mörk yta genom att fettbehandla pannan på nytt Gör det t ex med Muurikka Silava Stekfett eller rypsolja FETTBEHANDLING Pannan ska alltid fettbehandlas när fettytan är skadad eller borttvättad Fettytan som bildas på pan...

Page 4: ... outdoors Dry it immediately to keep it from rusting It is normal for the black surface to wear in course of time and you can restore a dark surface by seasoning the pan e g with Muurikka Silava Frying Fat or rapeseed oil SEASONING Always season the pan when the coat of fat is damaged or has been washed off The coat of fat formed on the surface of the pan protects the pan against rust and also imp...

Page 5: ...www muurikka fi Opa Muurikka Oy Æ 4qwr50 hkks f Retki Hiiliteräspannu TO6882 ...
