Continuity test
Warning! In order to avoid electric shock, the continuity test must not be carried out on the line carrying
1. Insert the banana plug on the black test lead wire into the negative "COM" socket; the banana plug on the red test
lead wire into the positive "VΩCap" socket.
2. Rotate the knob to select "
" measurement function, the word "CONTINUITY" will appear at the top of the
screen, indicating that it is in the resistance measurement function.
3. Press the F3 key (SEL) to select the continuity test function.
4. Touch the circuit under test with a test lead. If the resistance is less than 50Ω, the buzzer will sound.
Capacitance measurement
Warning! In order to avoid electric shock, the capacitor carrying voltage shall not be tested.
1. Insert the banana plug on the black test lead cable into the negative "COM" socket; the banana plug on the red test
lead cable into the positive "VΩCap" socket.
2. Rotate the knob to select "
" measurement function, the word "RESISTANCE" will appear at the top of the
screen, indicating that it is already in the resistance measurement function.
3. Press the F3 key (SEL) to select the capacitance measurement function. The word "CAPACITANCE" will appear
at the top of the screen, indicating that it is already in the capacitance measurement function.
4. Touch the test pen to the measured capacitance, and read the capacitance, decimal point and unit.
Capacitance/mF capacitance measurement function cannot use manual range!