| System Manual
3.4.4 Actuators
For the maximum current drawable from the outputs see the Technical data (User's manual Art.- No.
56 971).
Please observe the max. current-carrying capacity of the power supply on the bus node or other pow-
er supplies into the system. With a 7/8“ power connector, the max. total current for the ac-
tuator supply is 8 A.
The module may be damaged if the actuator power supply polarity is reversed!
When extending the actuator supply via the internal system connection, care must be
taken to ensure that the total current of all modules in the segment does not exceed
4 A.
The total current of all actuators that are supplied via the bus node or a power dis-
tributor art. no. 56955 in a installation, has to be smaller than 8 A.
When using modules with an output current of 1.6 A that are supplied via the system
cable, we recommend an additional actuator power supply art. no. 7000-46101-
To increase power, outputs may be connected in parallel.
If an overload or short-circuit occurs at an output, that output is shut down. This out-
put will remain disabled even when the error has been corrected. In order to reset the
short-circuit memory, the output must be reset or the actuator supply switched off.