Chapter 4 – Troubleshooting & Frequently Asked Questions
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem User Guide
Make sure the dial-up connections maximum speed matches the modem’s properties maximum
port speed.
Try rebooting the PC.
What is the max serial baud rate that this modem supports?
Supports up to 460,8000 bps.
Sometimes when I set the modem’s serial rate for auto-baud, it doesn’t respond to AT
This modem supports the auto-baud features, but it is currently not working reliably. The best
option is to set the serial rate to the needed speed (+IPR command).
Why is it that when I set the APN to the modem using the +CGDONT command and then do an
ATZ or recycle power to the modem, the APN is lost?
The EDGE modem does not store this setting. The best option is to set this command string as
an initialization command in your application. If you are using a Window dial-up connection, add
this command to the “Extra Initialization” setting in the modem’s properties.
Why is it that my throughput rates are not matching up to the expected EDGE rates?
To see maximum throughput rates on the EDGE models you must set the modem’s serial baud
rate and your serial port rate to 230,400 bps and above.
If your port supports only 115,200 bps, then you may not see expected EDGE rates.