Analog earth & insulation tester
3 – insulation voltage selector
250 VDC: the insulation resistance measurement (M
) is carried out using a
test voltage of 250 VDC
500 VDC: the insulation resistance measurement (M
) is carried out using a
test voltage of 500 VDC
4 – earth electrode resistance range selector
x1: measurement range 0…12
x10: measurement range 0…120
x100: measurement range 0…1200
5 – Measurement Start / Stop button
to carry out a stabilised measurement over a longer period, press and turn the
button when starting the measurement
6 – screw for adjusting pointer needle to zero position on the galvanometer
Before carrying out measurements, carefully read the operating safety
Preliminary checks
check the adjustment of the pointer needle
To ensure the accuracy and reliability of the result, the needle of the galvanometer
must point to zero on the galvanometer dial.
The adjustment is made using the screw situated below the dial display (item 6).
check the battery power level
Set the switch (identification 1) to the BATT.CHECK position.
Observe the position of the pointer on the galvanometer:
-if the needle pointer is deflected in the BAT.OK section of the scale, the battery
power level is sufficient for carrying out measurements,
-if however the needle is deflected in the BAT.LOW section of the scale, replace
the power supply batteries (cf. §. Replacing the batteries)
check the measurement leads
Before carrying out measurements, check that the measurement leads are in good
condition and that their insulation is not defective (insulation cut, burned, etc.).
Replace any faulty or defective leads before carrying out measurements.
Measurement of the earth electrode resistance
Two measurement methods are possible:
- the conventional measurement method using 2 auxiliary rods: 3P method