3.4.2 External HW Control
Also Low Speed Signals are controllable using an external source, this could be done
through J6 (H_LPWN pin) and J7 (H_RSTN Pin) pin headers. In this case a jumper should be
placed on pin header J1 (HW_CTRL) shown in the image below.
When the jumper is inserted on J1, the output signals are tri-stated from the
microcontroller, and hence could be controlled from the external source.
Figure 2: External Control Signals
The low speed signals circuit shown below shows the connection of these signals to the
microcontroller and DSFP connector.
Figure 3: Low Speed Signals Schematics
ML4019-MCB Software
The ML4019-MCB is accessible and controlled through application software. This software is
MSA compliant and provides a user-friendly interface to operate the board and access all
features. The communication between the ML4019-MCB board and the software is established
through USB connection.