From this tab, select/configure to control the following features:
Specify the Baud rate.
Specify the signal modulation type
: NRZ/PAM4 (if available/supported).
Enable/Disable the FEC feature.
Check the Rx amplitude range
supported by the error detector.
Select the 3 or 7 taps FIR filter mode.
Enable/Disable the gray code option.
the configurations through the gearbox button (Figure 15).
The ‘Apply’ button should be pressed after any rate change; the new line rate is set within
one second (Figure 13).
Switching between NRZ and PAM4: Modulation Type available based on the selected baud
rate (Figure 14).
Additional Options let you save and load test configurations including bit rate, pattern,
signal modulation, number of taps and their values, inversion, etc., for all channels (Figure
TX Control
TX Control in Optimal Mode
TX channel settings can be controlled individually. A display window reflecting all the enabled
features and the applied TX settings per channel is displayed after clicking on each TX channel
tab (Figure 16).
Figure 12: Display of enabled features
Figure 13: Set
baud rate
Figure 14: Signal
modulation selection
Figure 15: Additional