Air, Power, and Ethernet sources
The AT93000 cassette instruments are
Cooled using compressed air
Powered from an ex12V supply
Communicated with through ethernet
All these system resources are supply by an external utility box. Refer to the Utility box manual at
AT93000-UBOX | MultiLane (multilaneinc.com)
Site Preparation and Installation
Refer to the site preparation and installation manuals at
V93000 ATE Test Solutions | MultiLane
Docking the TFRAME to the V93000 testhead
The AT93000 weighs approximately 35Kg, so some type of mechanical lift assist may be required.
For additional information on using a mechanical lift to assist with docking the TFRAME, refer to
Advantest Service Documentation, Topic 342435,
“Lifting the Twinning equipment”.
Figure 16:AT93000 twinning lift described in the Advantest documentation