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to accept functions, settings, and menu items as directed.
The display may provide a question mark “?” when processing certain functions. The operator can press
to verify that the action should take place.
Find Home
The Find Home function allows the operator to return each axis to the Machine Home position in order to relocate
the homing targets. The head assembly will move to the right front of the table and index all X, Y, Z components
starting with the Z-axis.
1. Press
Go Home
to index the gantry, carriage, and Z assembly off of the limit switches
after one of the following actions have been completed:
a. The machine has just been turned on.
b. The machine has stalled or lost its position coordinates.
c. The machine has been stopped because the operator pushed in
2. Refer to the display as it will indicate when the system locates the targets for each axis. The head assembly
will be enabled when the Find Home function has been activated.
Park Z Up or Down
The Park Z function will move the head assembly to either the absolute Z=0 position or all the way up in a
process which allows for changes.
1. Press
Z-axis Up Jog Arrow
to raise the head assembly to the absolute Z=0 position.
2. Press
Z-axis Down Jog Arrow
to lower the head assembly to the Lift Height position.
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