These specifications are subject to change without notice.
for latest published information.
Fan coil unit - CFFWA4P Series
Figure 4
For ceiling installation mark position of suspension rods, water pipes,
condensate drain, power supply cables, etc. Supporting rods can be fixed,
depending on the type of ceiling, as shown in Figure 4.
The casing is fixed to the slab with four (4) threaded rods. The rods should
have two (2) nuts and washers to lock the unit in position when using a
wooden or steel “trapeze style hanger”. See Figure 4. Installing
contractor may choose to use a field supplied, vibration elimination
solution on the hanging rods.
When lifting the unit into position, the unit must be supported
from end to end. Coil damage could result if this precaution is
not taken that is not covered by factory warranty.
3. Whenever the installation of the unit will be facilitated by using a lift,
the following precautions must be observed:
A. Remove the plastic return grille assemblies to protect it from
damage. This will be done by removing the filters and removing
two (2) screws in each section. See Figure 5
B. Insert plywood sheet between the lift and the unit so that the
unit will be protected while lifting the unit in place.
C. After the unit is secured to the lift, carefully lift the unit to the
4. Now that the unit is at ceiling height, attach threaded rods
to mounting brackets on the side of the unit. See Figure 6.