hg-8 Warm Climate Flushing System
Programming unit
move curser left or right, also go
back or forward one screen.
oN and oFF/+ and – /uP and
DoWN ARRoWS – Used to set
flushing events on or off, move
selector up and down on screen, or
increase or decrease duration and
other values.
oK – press to make selection final.
tBoS-II Handheld Home
Screen Menu
1. tBoS infra-red – accessible only
when connected to programming
interface via the IR cable: select to
connect handheld to programming
interface via infrared cable and
access programs on it, or to
transfer programs from handheld
to programming interface.
2. templates (tBoS-II) – select
to program handheld without
connecting to programming
3. Settings – select to access and
set time, date, and various other
available user settings.
First time use
1. Press HoME key for three
seconds to turn on handheld.
2. Press RIGHt ARRoW key or the
oK key to access “Settings”
3. Use DoWN ARRoW to select
and set the following:
a) Date and Time
b) Contrast of the screen
c) Name of the handheld
controller (can be assigned to a
specific operator)
d) Language (English, French,
Spanish, Italian, Dutch,
Portuguese, Turkish, etc.)
HG-8 (requires Handheld)
tBoS-II Programming
The TBoS-II handheld uses
on screen prompts for intuitive
programming. It will control current
programming interface (T-2 – dark
gray case), as well as the previous
model of programming interface (T-1
modules programmed by the TBoS-
US handheld).
• 1 to 24 possible flushing events
daily, or on selected days weekly,
365-day calendar
• Flush duration 1 minute to 12 hours
(1 minute increments)
• Preprogram and store up to 3
different schedules
• Rechargeable battery (low battery
indicator shows both handheld and
controller battery conditions) with
recharging adaptor (9-volt lithium
battery can be used in the built-in
programming interface)
NOTE: In that the handheld was
designed by its manufacturer
to program irrigation systems,
many displays use irrigation
terminology. In the following
instructions, in such cases the
equivalent flushing terminology is
shown in parentheses.
cAutIoN: Leaving the infra-
red connector connected to the
built-in programming interface
can significantly reduce the
battery life of the 9-volt batteries
in the programming interface and
the rechargeable battery in the
tBoS-II handheld.
tBoS-II Handheld Keys
HoME – press three seconds to turn
handheld on.
ABc – press to choose from three
available programs (to store a
program when preprogramming, or
uploading a program to controller).
Programming Flushing Schedule
There are two ways to proceed:
• select “tBoS-II infra-red” if IR
cable is connected to a TBoS-II
programming interface to access,
change or load programs there, or
• select “templates (tBoS-II)” to
create or change programs stored
on the handheld to load onto a
programming interface at a later
time (IR cable not used).
NOTE: The home screen for
“TBOS-II infra-red” shows battery
condition for programming inter-
face and ON/OFF state of any
current operation in progress.
1. Press HoME key for three
seconds to turn handheld on.
2. Press RIGHt ARRoW key or the
oK key to access “Settings”.
3. Use DoWN ARRoW to select
“templates” and press oK.
4. Use DoWN ARRoW to select
“Programs” and press oK.
5. Use DoWN ARRoW to select
“Watering Days” (Days to Flush)
and press oK.
6. Use uP/DoWN ARRoWS to
select one of the following:
a) custom cycle (Week): use
RIGHt/LEFt ARRoWS to move
to days of the week, use oN/
oFF keys to highlight days on
which to flush, then press oK to
confirm days when selections are
b) Even Days: to Flush on even
dates, press oK to set.
c) odd Days: to Flush on odd
dates including 31st, press oK to
d) odd Days 31: to Flush on odd
dated except 31st, press oK to
e) cyclical: to Flush every “X”
days, set “X” using oN/oFF keys
(X=1 to 31), press oK to set; then
set start date “dd/mm/yyyy” using
oN/oFF keys, press oK to set.