Control Panel :
Gain Control - The gain control matches the input sensitivity of the amplifier to the source unit being used. The
operating range varies from 100mv to 6V.
Adjusting the gain
1. Turn the gain control on the amplifier all the way down (counter clockwise).
2. Turn up the volume control on the source unit to approximately 3⁄4 of maximum.
3. Adjust the gain control on the amplifier until audible distortion occurs.
4. Adjust the gain control down until audible distortion disappears.
5. The amplifier is now calibrated to the output of the source unit.
Low Pass X-Over Switch - Turns the active low pass (LP) x-over on and off. When engaged (in) the x-over is “ON”,
when disengaged (out) the x-over is “OFF”
Low Pass X-Over Frequency Control - Used to select the desired low-pass (LP) x-over frequency. The frequency is
adjustable from 40Hz to 8000Hz.
High Pass X-Over Switch - Used to turn on the active high-pass (HP) x-over on and off. When engaged (in) the
x-over is “ON”, when disengaged (out) the x-over is “OFF”.
High Pass X-Over Frequency Control - Used to select the desired high-pass (HP) x-over frequency. The frequency
is adjustable from 40Hz to 8000Hz..
Band Pass X-Over : To use, turn “ON” the HP and LP x-overs at the same time, creating a band-pass x-over for kick
woofers or midranges. You can tune the filter with frequency controls (3) and (5).
Important Notice: When both x-overs are turned “OFF”, the pre-amp section is in “Direct” mode providing the
best possible sound quality.
Power On LED - The LED illuminates red when the amp is switched on. For Short or Thermal protection, see
points 9 and 10
Control Panel (Top)
Connectors Panel (Side)