Backup: To backup the data of the working step.
k. Open data: To execute Battery Data Analyzing software to analyze the data recorded, please go to BTSDA
discussed later to get details.
4. History data search
Click “history” at left bottom of the interface to search the data you need:
1. Find the right folder for storing data.
2. Input the Unit No. and Channel No. if you can remember.
3. Select the time if you can remember.
4. Click “Search” to get the data which will display on the right.
Browse from here to find
Click Search to find the
desired data
Click History here
BTSDA stands for battery testing system data analyzer which is used for analyzing the data recorded by the device.
You can use “Open data” function we introduced above to open this software or directly execute it from the folder
1. When open it from the “open data” function, you will see a window as below, the curve is on the left and data
on the right: