Premier GP-9 Diesel Engine Operating Instructions
Proto-Effects™ operations to be active or inactive, including cab chatter, train
wreck sounds, coupler sounds, and wheel clickety-clack sounds
• Direction Control Set Up-User can set initial individual start-up direction
(start in forward or reverse) for double-heading operations
• Locomotive Consist Set-up-User can determine locomotive values for
consist make-ups, allowing multiple locomotives belonging to a consist to
operate together
• Query Locomotive Information-User can query locomotive programming to
learn locomotive address and engine data information, including scale miles
• User Can Query, Set and Operate Track and Accessory Interface Units for
Programming Digital Command Operations for up to 250 Accessories and 250
Individual Switches
• User Can Script, Record and Playback Train Routes
Operating instructions for all DCS Command features will accompany the
DCS remote control equipment.