Below is the table of Factory Default MTH supported DCC CV's. This
table is specific to the engine in the title of this manual:
User-Settable F-Function List
This feature allows you to take the 28 F-Functions that currently reside in
each MTH Protosound3.0-equppied O-Gauge Engine and change the
location of that function. For example: F13 is currently Coupler Slack and
you'd like that placed down to F28 which is Cab Chatter. The below
instructions explain how you can do this.
Note – When you set a particular F-Function to a numeric location you
are overwriting that existing number's function. Further, you are leaving
the location where the previous function was moved from empty, which
means that F-Function no longer has any function associated with it.
Premier 2-4-1A Mountain Steam Locomotive